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North Dakota Peace Officer Standards and Training Logo


 Upcoming POST Board meeting

The next POST Board special meeting is taking place March 25, 2025 at 2:30pm via Microsft Teams. Please click the link below to join the meeting.

March 25th, 2025 Microsoft Teams Meeting Link

 COMING SOON! -- Genius / Blackboard

Introducing POST Boards new RMS system. POST and the LETA Acadamy teamed up to create a records keeping system that will benifit everyone. Emails have been sent out introducing the new program and asking for agency information to make sure every officer in added correctly. Training for the new program will be taking place soon. Please check back for further information and upcoming dates.

Genius / Blackboard Website

 Income Tax - Licensed Peace Officer Retirement Exclusion

Beginning in 2023, retired peace officers may be entiled to an exclusion from their taxable income. Click the link below that provides information on this exclusion including an overview and eligibility.

Licensed Peace Officer Retirement Exclusion 

 Fitness for Duty

The "Fitness for Duty Evaluation: Disclosure and Consent" form is for agencies who may need the POST Board to look at an officer's ability to perform under their peace officers license. This form allows mental health records to be available for the POST Board to review.

Fitness for Duty Evaluation: Disclosure and Consent 

 Reserve Officer Information

Current reserve officers who wish to continue to be reserve officers or deputies need be licensed by POST. Those individuals will need to meet minimum license requirements.

Minimum Requirements for Current Reserve Officers